2014年1月27日,加拿大ZenBanx银行开始营业,加拿大总部在Toronto。ZenBanx加拿大的创始人是Arkadi Kuhlmann, 曾是ING Direct Canada的创始人和CEO。ZenBanx美国是在2012年创立的。ZenBanx是一种新型的银行形式,有些类似网上银行,他们自称“Golbal Mobile Banking”。客户主要通过智能手机上的APP来进行账户操作。
ZenBanx致力于更低价/方便/安全的全球转钱。他们可以用比较好的Foreign Exchange Rate在不同货币间转换。然后通过比较低的费用把钱转给其他人。
“You and I can move freely around the world, but moving money has become costly and tedious. By making money mobile within a regulated banking environment, we can match customer’s needs for cheap, convenient and secure international money transfers.”
ZenPay,是一个个人对个人的转账服务,客户通过email地址登录,通过APP关联至银行账户。转钱时,只要选定正确的货币类型和金额,然后把货币的Icon拖到你手机里面的联系人的photo上(他们会自动进入你个人的ZenBanx Circle),即完成转账手续。对方手机也会收到提示。转钱时还可以加个note(祝福语或照片什么的)。
- No fees to sign up or maintain a ZenBanx account.
- Instantly convert currencies.
- Earn interest on all of your currencies.
- Build your personal ZenBanx circle using the contact information already on your mobile device.
- Send money by simply choosing the appropriate currency and dragging that currency’s icon to your friend’s photo. You can even add a note or a photo!
- Track your transfer from your account to its destination. ZenBanx alerts you when the money is picked up.
- And, be prepared to see the smiling face of the recipient along with a note of appreciation. ZenBanx enables that too!
对于华人社区,ZenBanx还为将到的春节准备了电子红包。这个电子红包转账,在加拿大境内是免费的。聚沙认为:这个电子红包,就是Email Transfer的另外一种称呼,Tangerine(以前的ING Direct Canada)目前就提供免费的Email Transfer。不过ZenBanx又加上了一个不同货币的转换。(A new digital Red Envelope is has been created ahead of the upcoming Chinese New Year. The Red Envelope program allows customers free money transfers (via
email) in Canada, with funds supplied from any third-party Canadian
ZenBanx目前支持以下货币:Canadian, U.S., Australian, Singapore, Hong Kong dollar, the euro, the British pound, the Japanese Yen, and the Rupee. 在加拿大,你ZenBanx里的钱实际存在DUCA Credit Union 【由DICO (Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario)提供存款保险,最多保险$100,000】.存在ZenBanx里面的各种货币都可以拿利息。其他具体信息请去ZenBanx网站查询:http://www.zenbanx.ca/product-details/
ZenBanx看上去挺不错的,而且聚沙也同意将来银行的趋势可能就是从branch => internet => mobile => any sim card in your body...(Sci-Fi)。不过,ZenBanx真的有看上去那么美好吗?我们还要拭目以待。
2015年1月30日更新:我刚才Sign Up,ZenBanx shows "You’re now #5549 on the waiting list to get the app."