坏消息:AmEx Gold Rewards不再提供referral bonus
加国经济风雨飘摇,股市动荡,原油价格狂跌,加元跌得像屎一样,超市食品价格猛涨。这还不算完,AmEx也一起来捣乱。既昨日AmEx AeroplanPlus Gold降低Welcome bonus后,AmEx又宣布取消AmEx Gold Rewards Card的referral bonus(IMPORTANT NOTICE: Effective January 11, 2016, this Card is no longer eligible for a referral bonus. You can still refer the Card to your friends and family but you will not earn a referral bonus for any approved referral)。
我在我自己的AmEx白金卡的referral网页上也查过,白金卡推荐白金卡的15000点还在,但估计用白金卡推荐AmEx Gold也不能得referral bonus。如果你对AmEx Gold Rewards感兴趣,仍可以申请,申请人的开卡25000点及FYF,无论用什么方法申请,目前都是有的。申请人仍然可以通过GCR申请得extra的$50 bonus。
实话说,这个打击对聚沙绝对要大于AeroplanPlus Gold那次,因为聚沙这2年从AmEx拿的Referral Bonus最多的就是在AmEx Gold Rewards卡上【我曾经以为,你会陪我到天荒地老。。。】。从今天开始,聚沙也要勒紧裤腰带吃饭,减少出行预算了。。。
目前其他几张常见卡的referral bonus还没受影响(例如AmEx SPG, SimplyCash, Platinum等等),但谁知道将来会怎么变化呢。有需求的朋友要抓紧了【据说AmEx AeroplanPlus Gold的referral bonus也没了】。
NSF fee of $48.00 if item is returned and $5.00 if item is paid is currently not applicable to items drawn to pay TD Credit
2016年6月3日更新:AmEx Gold的推荐bonus又回来了,不过这次只有5000 MR一个人,每年最多可以得75000 MR的推荐积分(每年最多推荐15人)。【嗯,少是少了点,不过总比没有好啊】:As the Basic Cardmember, refer a friend and you could earn a bonus of 5,000 Membership Rewards points for each approved referral up to a maximum annual referral bonus of 75,000 Membership Rewards points. Your friend could earn our American Express Gold Rewards Card points offer of 25,000 Bonus Membership Rewards points when they charge $1,500 in purchases to their Card in the first three months of Cardmembership.