我在网上查了一下加拿大政府网站Financial Consumer Agency of Canada:
也就是说信用卡发卡行用Cash-like transaction来收用户的Cash Advance费,是政策允许的。例如,Scotiabank在他们新的Terms里也说了会在8月份后开始收Cash-like transaction的费用。
Scotiabank定义的Cash-like transactions指:Cash-like transactions are monetary transactions posted to your account which are not “purchase” transactions and include, but are not limited to, wire transfer, foreign currency, travellers cheques, money orders, remote store valued cards and purchase of gaming chips. American Express Cards are not presently accepted for the purchase of lottery tickets or gaming chips. Cash Advances include balance transfers. A balance transfer is a transaction in which funds from your credit card account are used, at your request, to pay the balance of any other account that we permit, which may include a transfer to a bank account, another credit card account or line of credit, or a bill payment (other than recurring bill payments made as pre-authorized charges to your account which are usually treated as purchases).
针对Thomas的情况,我估计是符合定义里面的foreign currency一项,或者是Paypal【如果将来Paypal的信用卡消费都算cash advance的话,那可麻烦了】?按照定义来说,将来用Plastiq向银行投资账户转钱或付账单估计也有可能算Cash Advance。那Canadian Tire的MasterCard付账单也有可能算作balance transfer了。大家平时也不要用信用卡去买赌场的gaming chips或者彩票lottery tickets。
BTW,按照Plastiq的FAQ:Will this payment be treated as a cash advance? - Nearly all Plastiq payments are treated as standard purchases, but in rare cases, certain issuing banks may charge cash advance fees for payments submitted through Plastiq. Please contact us to learn more. 【这里指的是RBC和TD的Visa信用卡,看来他们很早就开始收Cash-like transactions费了】
估计以前各家银行对这个Cash-like transaction卡得不是很严,但现在的趋势是银行准备开始从这个上面捞钱了【估计AmEx会相对厚道一些吧】。总之,大家要多小心,别被银行算计了。如果大家将来在信用卡账单上发现了意外的cash advacne支出,也请在下面的评论区处汇报一下。谢谢。
- Rogers Platinum MasterCard + Paypal
- RBC Visa + Plastiq
- TD Visa + Plastiq
- CIBC Visa + Plastiq【可能算,可能不算】