转发帖子内容如下:“FYI this card just got more awesome... got a random $387.50 dollar "MISCELLANEOUS FEE ADJUSTMENT" called in and had to get escalated to a higher level. Turns out if you set your travel notifications when out of country the system is now automatically refunding you for the foreign transaction fees when you had the travel notification set and used your credit card. The Rep said all affected will see the credit and should have received notification via mail prior to the credit, will scan the mail when received. The $387.50 the rep said was the result of all applicable transactions to date, but couldn't say if this meant the foreign fee was going away next year or if this was how it would work going forward where you have to make sure you set travel notifications. She did mention it helped identify fraud and cut down on time calling users who didn't set their travel notification”
此消息一出,大家都很激动,怀疑Capital One是否会在2015年取消FX费。Capital One在美国的信用卡都是不收FX费的。所以大家的期待也是可以理解的。本人(聚沙塔主)就在当日马上申请了一张Capital One Aspire Travel信用卡。
今天chriscabob在网上share了他从Capital One收到的信,如下图:
事实证明,加拿大的天上还是会掉馅饼的。chriscabob被掉下来的馅饼砸到了。当然,我们再去站在原地期待另一块馅饼的希望是很小的了。Capital One加拿大还是会继续收2.5% foreign exchange charge的。
我因此而失望吗?-- NO. 当GCR取消给Capital One Aspire Travel申请的$75 bonus时,我等于被另一块小馅饼砸到了(赶上了最后1批拿到$75 bonus的末班车了)。我们永远不知道天上那块云彩有雨,唯一能做的就是时刻准备着。现在就等着看Capital One是否会取消这张信用卡了。To be grandfathered, or not to be grandfathered, that is the question.