最近在网上Reddit论坛里面有个传言:加拿大Capital One将会取消Aspire Travel World MasterCard。这张卡是我最近大力推荐大家可以在Costco购物使用的加拿大必备信用卡之一,也是聚沙比较喜欢的信用卡之一。这个传言的可信度比较高,特别是前几天GCR撤掉了申请此卡的$75 bonus,也是一个比较明显的sign。
大家的意见是相比于其他现有的加拿大信用卡,此卡提供的Rewards和保险实在太好了,Capital One因此想Discontinue这张卡,再推出一张差一些的replacement卡。Some comments:
1. It's simply because this card is much better than all other cards on the market, just like the last card they discontinued. They must have realized they had no incentive to offer more if the competition was so bad.
2. Seriously!? This is the best card to get a guaranteed 2% back on all your purchases. It can't go away. Or is that the problem. It's too good.
3. Yeah seriously, considering it was already one of the best cards, I doubt they're making it better. Will most likely annoy a lot of consumers.
以前,Capital One也干过类似的事. 在2013年8月Capital One取消了一张当时市场上最火的无年费Cash Back信用卡 Aspire Cash World MasterCard(无年费,1.5%现金回报,rewards低至$0.01都可以变现,且变现无限制,包含所有World卡的保险)。有一点好的是,Capital One让那些已有该卡的用户继续可以持有该卡,并享受同样的benefits(无年费,1.5%回报等等)。英文里称为Grandfathered(特指不再提供给新客户,但老客户待遇不变)。我就目前还持有着这张Aspire Cash信用卡(每个月用它自动付我的手机账单,保持它active)。
目前还没有任何Capital One官方关于此卡的消息。大家希望如果Capital One真的要取消这张Aspire Travel卡的话,最好也像前面的Aspire Cash卡一样,grandfather it。 本人(聚沙塔主)建议大家如果还没有这张卡,但又够资格申请此卡的话,尽快去Capital One网站申请。反正,在以下的3种可能情况下,都不会吃亏:
1. Capital One不取消这张卡:Good news for all.
2. Capital One grandfather 了这张卡: Good news for那些已有此卡的人
3. Capital One彻底取消了这张卡(不再保留任何benefits):把开卡送的35000点直接换成Cash Back,可得$262.5,减去$120首年年费,还白得$142.5。
想了解Capital One Aspire Travel卡具体情况的朋友,请看链接: