2022年5月6日更新:多谢“Hwyyy”提供信息。加拿大锂离子电池集体诉讼赔偿的钱已经通过Interac e-Transfer进账了。
聚沙的确符合条件,因此就去File Claim了。我的具体流程如下:
- 点击链接:https://kccsecure.com/batteriessettlement/en-US/Claimant
- 选“I did not receive a Claim ID from the Claims Administrator.”,点“File Claim”
- 选“I am claiming for a minimum payment of $20 (No proof of purchase required)”。这样就不需要提供收据了。
- 输入姓名、地址、Email等联系方式。
- 选“I declare that I have purchased one or more LIB or LIB Product between January 1, 2000 and January 1, 2012.”
- 选“I verify that I have not received compensation through other proceedings or private out-of-class settlements and/or provided a release in respect to my purchases of LIBs or LIB Products.”
- Payment方式选“ETransfer”。如果选支票会有手续费。
- 点“Agree and Submit”。
这样就好了,可记下“Claim ID”备份,然后就可坐等$20入账了!总共约花了6分钟,等于时薪$200哦~~~
2022年4月29日更新:多谢“ZhiHao Zhao”提供信息。加拿大锂离子电池集体诉讼赔偿的申请已被批准,只需坐等Interac e-Transfer进账了。如果你还没收到email,可去你的电子邮箱的垃圾邮箱查看一下。