WhatSim:首款WhatsApp Sim卡,实现WhatsApp免费聊天


你平时使用WhatsApp吗? 当你在国外出差或旅行的时候,你是否经常使用WhatsApp向你的家人报平安?你是否为国外高额的漫游费或无法找到Free的Wifi而担心过?现在,一种SIM卡,可以帮你完美解决这一问题。

这种SIM卡的名字叫做WhatSim,它可以让你在世界上任何一个地方使用WhatsApp再也不用担心找不到WiFi,或高额数据漫游费的问题。而你只需支付一年10欧元,便可以在全球各地通过 WhatsApp 免费聊天,而不用担心网络和流量的问题。公司表示,这种SIM卡连接了约150个国家的400个运营商,它会自动搜索最佳信号。而美国,加拿大,欧洲大部分国家和中国都包括在其运营的地区范围内。具体Coverage 范围见链接:

据华尔街日报报道,WhatSim 就如同一张全球通用的 SIM 卡,它可以在全球 150 个国家超过 400 家运营商实现网络连接,一旦用户的位置发生改变,系统便会自动搜索新的运营商。WhatSim 没有漫游费,也没有月租。不过,它只能用于 WhatsApp,不限流量,而不支持其他需要网络服务的应用。用户可通过WhatsApp随时随地进行聊天,没有任何限制。


不過免費使用的,其實只有 WhatsApp 的訊息及位置分享功能。如果用户想收發相片、影片或者話音訊息的話,就需要另行充值購買 Credits (5 歐元 = 1000 Credits),不同國家或地區 WhatSIM 所收取的 Credits 也不同。具体费率见链接:http://www.whatsim.com/en/rates 。加拿大属于Zone 2,中国属于Zone 3. 如果你沒有 Credits 的話,WhatsApp 就只收到影片、相片或話音訊息通知,無法下載其內容。大家如有更多问题,可以去网站查询:

聚沙认为:一张 SIM 可以基本实现全球免费漫游使用 WhatsApp发Text Messages,还是一个很不错的idea。不过如果你在你的常住地已有data plan,那WhatSim基本没什么用处。除非你每年有很多时间在国外旅行,这个WhatSim才会非常有用。如果你只是短时间去美国或中国,可能在当地购买一张prepaid的sim卡会更为合算。不过如果微信能出一款和这个一样的Sim卡,聚沙很可能会尝试一下。

WhatSim is designed for personal and responsible use. With the initial cost of € 10, within one year since the activation, you have the right to send and receive text messages, up to a maximum of total data traffic exchanged during a year of 50 Mb (approximately 25,000 text messages of around 2Kb) in zone 1 or 25 Mb (approximately 12,500 text messages of around 2Kb) in zone 2 or 15 Mb (approximately 7,500 text messages of around 2Kb) in zone 3 or 10 Mb (approximately 5,000 text messages of around 2Kb) in zone 4 or 7.5 Mb (approximately 3,750 text messages of around 2Kb) in zone 5 or 3.5 Mb (approximately 1,750 posts text of around 2Kb) in zone 6. The number of text messages per zone and size are purely indicative. Data sessions are priced with unit charge increments of 1 Kb in zone 1, 2, 3, 4 and unit charge increments of 10 Kb in zone 5 and 6. WhatSim lets you exchange not only text messages and emoticons but also photos, videos, voice messages, share locations and contacts. The amount consumed of data traffic differs however depending on the type of content sent or received. For example, text messages and emoticons consume very little data traffic. Sending just text messages and emoticons means being able to send a huge quantity of messages with the traffic included or recharged. We suggest to disable the automatic downloading of multimedia content to avoid downloading it by mistake. In any case, before downloading or sending multimedia content, check the size of the multimedia content to avoid to be charged of excessive costs.
