
我们前面介绍过加拿大的AmEx白金卡(点击查看),卡上有一个International Airline Program(IAP):当使用白金卡购买合作航空公司的头等舱或商务舱时,可以得到一张免费或打折的Companion ticket(仅需支付税及其他费用)。在当时,这算是一个比较鸡肋的福利。不过最近AmEx给白金卡的用户发了邮件,介绍IAP的强化版。

升级后的IAP强化版,除了原先的商务/头等舱折扣伴飞票以外,还增加了Premium Economy超经舱的折扣伴飞票,免费从商务舱升级到头等舱,以及经济舱/超经/商务/头等舱的特价票。

对加拿大的AmEx白金持卡人来说,聚沙认为这个“Discounted Companion Tickets”仍然是鸡肋中的鸡肋,基本没什么羊毛可撸。大家可以直接忽略它。

免费从商务舱升级到头等舱这项,还是有些用的。不过目前加拿大的持卡人只能在两家航空公司的航班享受到此福利:SWISS INTERNATIONAL AIR LINES 和ETIHAD AIRWAYS。所以可能此福利的实用性不强。

真正对普罗大众可能有帮助的还是第三项:Special Airfares(All you have to do is use your Platinum Card to purchase an eligible ticket in specified classes through Platinum Card Travel Service. Discount varies by airline and class of service)。提供此项福利的航班有:


  • IAP的特价票的数量是有限制的(The Program is subject to availability on the participating airlines’ eligible flights. Participating airlines may have limited seat allocations and destinations in respect of the Program and may have other terms, conditions, exclusions, restrictions and fees
  • 此福利只提供给主卡或附卡持卡人(The International Airline Program (the “Program”) offers a discounted companion ticket, complimentary upgrade, special class fare or discounted fare on participating airlines to holders of an eligible Basic and Supplementary American Express Platinum Card )。
  • 必须通过AmEx Platinum Card Travel Service电话出票(book your flights using your Platinum Card by calling Platinum Card Travel Service at 1-800-263-1616. Internationally, call collect at 416-868-1888)。AmEx有可能会收额外的服务费(A travel service fee per booking may apply.
  • 你在订票时,可以使用AmEx白金卡每年送的$200的Travel Credit(Plus, use your annual $200 CAD travel credit towards any travel of $200 or more you want booked through Platinum Card Travel Service with your Platinum Card)。

