Amazon Cash 服务简介

Deal Link:

加拿大Amazon和Canada Post合作推出一项新业务Amazon Cash。你可以通过手机Text或者打印一个barcode出来。然后你带着这个barcode去附近的Canada Post扫一下,就可以用现金或者Debit Card给你的Amazon.ca账户balance充值。

新用户在2017年12月16日之前去充值$20以上,可以得到$5的Amazon Credit(可在下次Amazon购物时redeem。注意:必须在2018年1月1日前使用)。

嗯,怎么说呢,好像有些费事,而且也就赚了$5(还是有条件限制的$5)。这个Amazon Cash其实对理财网的大多数读者来说是没有用的。也就是那些不喜欢用信用卡网上购物的老外可能会对这个Service感兴趣。要是大家顺便能撸的话就撸吧。。。

  • Amazon Cash transaction must occur between 12:01 am (PT) on Novmber 14, 2017 and 11:59 pm (PT) December 16, 2017.
  • Offer limited to the first time a customer uses Amazon Cash.
  • Offer only applies to products sold by (look for "sold by" on the product detail page). Products sold by third-party sellers or other Amazon entities will not qualify for this offer, even if "fulfilled by" or "Prime Eligible".
  • Shipping charges and taxes may apply to the full value of discounted and free promotional items.
  • Offer limited to one per customer and account.
  • The maximum benefit you may receive from this offer is $5 off products sold by
  • You will receive an e-mail from Amazon that indicates the dollar amount of the promotional credit and that the dollar amount of the credit has been added to your customer account.
  • Promotional credit expires at 11:59 p.m. (PT) December 31, 2017.
  • Offer discount will be allocated proportionally among all promotional items in your order.
  • If any of the products or content related to this offer are returned, your refund will equal the amount you paid for the product or content, subject to applicable refund policies.
  • If you violate any of these terms, the offer will be invalid.
  • Unless an Amazon Gift Card is the stated benefit of the promotion, promotional codes (including those placed directly in accounts) may not be redeemed for Amazon Gift Cards. Offer good while supplies last.