今天,另一只靴子终于落地了,Capital One已经把他们网站上的Aspire Travel World换成Aspire Travel World Elite了。可去网站查看细节:
此Aspire Travel World Elite卡仍然是年费$120, TA和原本World卡的区别如下:
1. 10000 miles开卡优惠(值$100),原先是35000 miles开卡优惠
2. 再也没有每年的10000 miles了 (Aspire Travel World的主要吸引力就在这)
3. 增加了1个World Elite MasterCard Concierge Services (聚沙觉得没什么用)
目前还不确定,Capital One会怎样处理已经持有Aspire Travel World卡的用户。现在的Capital One Aspire Travel World Elite,聚沙觉得已经没有太多吸引力了。TA远不如MBNA RWE(无年费版),甚至还不如MBNA RWE(有年费版)。至于将来大家去Costco用哪张信用卡更合适,聚沙会过几天再写一篇帖子细说。
想了解原来的Capital One Aspire Travel World MasterCard的朋友,可以见链接:
想了解MBNA RWE信用卡的朋友,可以见链接:
目前网上的消息是Capital One Aspire Travel World MasterCard是"Grandfathered"(对已有该卡的朋友是个好消息)。Someone posted: "Just called Capital one to inquire about the old Aspire World card i applied for before it was discontinued. He said i'll be getting the World card and not the elite and that they are still honoring all existing accounts with existing terms (anniversary bonus etc) for as long as you have the card.
Just wanted to let everyone know! "