


  • Scotiabank to Acquire JPMorgan Chase Credit Card Portfolio in Canada【Scotiabank是接管所有Chase的信用卡,还仅接管Chase Sears MasterCard/Sears Card呢?】
  • The Credit Card Portfolio Includes Approximately 2 Million Active Customers and $1.7 Billion in Outstanding Receivables。【光是Sears MasterCard就有2百万客户吗???】
  • The two companies have reached an agreement under which Scotiabank will acquire a MasterCard and private label credit card portfolio and the related credit card operations from JPMorgan Chase. 【从这条看,Scotiabank应该是仅接管Sears相关信用卡】
  • The agreement also includes the acquisition of JPMorgan Chase's credit card operations in Canada. These operations include a highly-skilled bilingual call centre in Ottawa with fraud, collections, recovery and customer service expertise.【这个Call Centre同时支持Chase其他的信用卡吗?】
  • Scotiabank is committed to ensuring a smooth transition for all customers.【Scotiabank还会继续保持Sears MasterCard的No Foreign Transaction Fee吗??】
在这些迷雾散去之前,客户对原本Chase旗下的信用卡都会有些疑虑。聚沙听说Sears MasterCard的现用户收到信说在第四季度中得到1点Sears Points,那明年1月就能得到1000 Sears Points的bonus,估计也是为了起到稳定用户的用处。

总之,目前还是有不少不确定因素。就算Scotiabank只是接管Sears相关信用卡,但加拿大Chase去掉Sears相关信用卡后,就剩2张信用卡了(Amazon和Marriott),到底还能坚持多久呢?To be, or not to be - that is the question.