BMO World Elite 信用卡 Flight Delay 保险使用经验


Flight Delay Insurance 其实可以不用就尽量不要用,但是,万一遇到了,那就是不用白不用。我就这么不幸的,找到了这么一个机会来体验了下BMO World Elite Mastercard的Flight Delay Insurance.

事情是这样的,在一次从上海回加拿大航班上,结果遇到严重雾霾,飞机飞不了,只能改到第二天。这时候我就想,Trip Delay Insurance可以用了—对不起,我的思维比较奇怪。这时候直接用Skype拨打了BMO的客服热线,客服表示,保险的事情是保险公司负责,然后把我转去了Allianz Global Assistance。没错就是这家公司负责的。然后他说,我这个只能算Flight Delay,因为我的飞机被改签到了第二天,超过了6小时。所以没有问题。此外,这张机票是用BMO World Elite开卡时候送的300元的+现金一起订的。但是应该也算是全额付款了。

Coverage Eligibility
Coverage applies only when You charge the full or partial cost of Your Trip to the Primary or Family Cardholder’s MasterCard prior to departure. Insured Person means the Primary Cardholder, Spouse and/or Dependent Child(ren).

Coverage Period
Coverage begins at the time of Your departure on Your Trip. Coverage ends at the time of Your return to Your original point of departure.

Coverage Benefits
Flight Delay Benefits are payable in the event of a delay of more than six (6) hours in the arrival or departure of Your regularly scheduled airline flight. You will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $500 per Account per Trip, for reasonable, additional accommodation and travelling expenses. Expenses must be incurred by You as a result of the delay. You will be required to submit original documentation.

在了解了情况之后,他给我了一个Case number,然后给我的邮箱发了一个Claim的表格,仔细看了一下里面的内容,其实也不是很难啊。

Along with your completed and signed claim form, please provide the following documentation. Failure to provide the documentation requested will result in a delay of our claims adjudication.
  • If your insurance is through your credit card provider, please provide a copy of your monthly billing statement, confirming the payment of your trip. Please ensure that the last four digits of your credit card number are visible for verification of coverage.
  • A copy of your complete travel itinerary which includes passenger names, dates of travel and trip amounts.
  • Documentation confirming any refunds from any other insurance or airline that you have received.
  • Documentation from the airline which confirms the flight/baggage delay.
  • All receipts for additional accommodations, meals and/or necessities purchased as a result of the delay.

  • What documents are required if I have a Flight Delay claim? -- You must keep and submit all receipts for additional accommodations and meals that are a result of your flight delay. You are required to provide proof of your flight delay which must include the date, length of delay and the reason for the delay.
  • What information is required if my baggage is delayed? -- Proof of baggage delay is required, including the date and length of the delay as well as the date and time that your baggage was returned to you. If you need to purchase eligible necessities due to your baggage delay, original store receipts for the purchases are required.
  • What if my baggage is never found, can I claim for both delay and loss? -- No. Your claim will only be processed for baggage loss.

  • 其中包括了,加航给开具的航班延误的证明
  • Claim的表格
  • 租车的小票还有咖啡的小票。

