
【多谢“Hang Solo”提供信息】加航,TD银行,CIBC银行和Visa Canada今天宣布他们准备出价22.5亿加元从Aimia公司买下Aeroplan(2.5亿刀现金 + 约价值20亿刀的Aeroplan liability)。Aimia需要在8月2日之前回应。

这要结合前几天的Aimia CEO放出来的消息(点击查看),聚沙觉得Aimia也是有卖Aeroplan的打算的,前面的放风更像某种程度的威胁和期待更好的offer。加航的一系列操作也很6,估计买回Aeroplan就是他们原本的打算吧,之前的分手也是为了打压Aimia的报价。果然商场如战场啊。。。

Air Canada is teaming up with three financial services giants to try to buy its former loyalty program, Aeroplan, from its current owner for $2.2 billion.

Air Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, CIBC and Visa made the announcement Wednesday they want to buy Aeroplan from Aimia, in exchange for taking over the liability of $2 billion worth of outstanding Aeroplan points, plus $250 million in cash.
