【多谢Kevin提供信息】MBNA Best Western Rewards MasterCard的开卡6万点offer又回来了,上次有此offer的时候还是在2013年。此卡无年费,7月10日前申请,开卡可得20000 Best Western Rewards Points奖励,然后90天内消费$1000可得额外20000点(一共4万点),或者90天消费$2000可得额外40000点(一共6万点)。注意:不要通过GCR申请,否则仅2万点。
此外,该卡在Best Western酒店花$1得5 points,在其他地方消费$1得1 point【不建议将此卡用于日常消费】。Best Western的点不太值钱,按每点的价值$0.006算,等于在Best Western酒店消费有3%回报,其他地方消费0.6%回报。开卡头10个月内balance transfer的利率为1.99%。持卡即为金卡会员,一年内花$10000可以成为钻石会员。会员福利请看“相关阅读”。这张属于MBNA Platinum信用卡,因此其附带的保险可见:https://www.mbna.ca/credit-cards/card-benefits/
6万点Best Western Rewards点的价值:
- 可以换成12000 Aeroplan,价值> $180【不推荐,要是有Aeroplan转点优惠时,可以考虑】
- 换Gift Card,价值$225
- 换Best Western的酒店,价值> $360
我刚申请了一张,不过没发现申请表格哪里输Best Western卡号的,有可能是自动分配/匹配?:Thank you for your recent online credit application for a Best Western Rewards Platinum Plus MasterCard. This email confirms that your application has been approved, with a credit limit of 5000. You will receive your card in the mail within 10 to 15 business days, along with the terms and conditions. If you do not receive your card within this time frame, please notify us by calling 1-800-404-1319, quoting the Reference Number above.