2020年8月4日更新:多谢“Larry”提供信息。Aeroplan Miles将改名成Aeroplan Points。新TD Aeroplan Visa系列卡将于2020年11月8日发行。Aeroplan Visa Infinite卡的年费会从现在的$120升至$139。Aeroplan Visa Infinite信用卡将新增$100 Nexus(点击查看)fee报销,并有一定可能会新增伴飞票,将会取消原来的免费Maple Leaf Lounge次数,免费托运行李会保留。Aeroplan Visa Infinite Privilege信用卡将会改进成类似运通的AeroplanPlus Platinum信用卡,年费将提高至$599,会包含免费的Maple Leaf Lounge access。
一年多前,加拿大航空公司 Air Canada 宣布,将在 2020 年 6 月与 Aeroplan 切割关系,导致很多人不知道积分的“前途”如何,于是赶紧拼命地用积分。
接着,今年 7月底,加拿大航空公司向 Aeroplan 提出恶意收购,但出价遭拒绝。
为了与加航抗衡,Aeroplan 的母公司 Aimia 忙不迭地与其他航空公司签订协议,与 Flair Airlines,Porter Airlines 和 Air Transat 签署了合作协议,这些公司可以在 2020 年开始成为 Aeroplan 的合作伙伴。
这个星期,新消息出来了,加航和 Aeroplan 达成一个协议,加航与一些金融巨头联手,以几乎两倍于之前出价的价格 – 4.5 亿加元回购 Aeroplan。
加航的合作者包括多伦多道明银行,加拿大帝国商业银行和信用卡 Visa 加拿大。
实际上,加拿大航空公司是 Aeroplan 的“缔造者”,在 30 多年前设立了 Aeroplan 积分计划,为的是奖励那些经常乘坐加航的旅客,增加客户的忠诚度。
但十多年前,加拿大航空公司把 Aeroplan 作为一家独立公司卖掉了。
那么,对于 Aeroplan 的成员来说,以后会是什么情况呢?
加拿大航空公司表示,Aeroplan 的积分将被转到一个新的积分计划里。
渥太华的旅行博主辛格(Anshul Singh)就是这样一位客户,在听说加航要退出 Aeroplan 的消息后,他赶紧去亚洲旅行,一下子用掉了大约 50 万积分,不过现在他并不后悔。
这笔回购交易将使加拿大航空公司及其合作伙伴总共耗资 4.5 亿加元,加上还有尚未使用的价值达 19 亿加元的积分。
积分奖励专家斯托卡(Patrick Stojka)表示,加航回购积分,是一个好消息,也是一个坏消息。
他说,好消息是,你不用急着用积分了,但在加航完成了对 Aeroplan 的回购后,成员们的积分是否还能拥有同样的价值就难说了。
带有 Aeroplan 积分的信用卡呢?
与加拿大航空公司一起出价的,包括 Aeroplan 的信用卡合作伙伴 – 道明银行、加拿大帝国商业银行、信用卡 Visa 加拿大公司。
如果回购的交易成功,意味着附带 Aeroplan 积分的信用卡用户会有一个平稳的过渡,没有什么可担心,但目前还不能完全确定。
加拿大航空公司在其网站上表示,该交易“受某些条件限制,包括加拿大航空公司,道明银行和 CIBC 达成的信用卡协议”。
美国运通信用卡 (American Express)也与目前的 Aeroplan 计划有合作,合同到期是在 2020 年6月。根据美国运通的信息,未来是否继续合作,目前还在讨论之中。
Today, I'm delighted to let you know that Air Canada's acquisition of the Aeroplan Program has recently been concluded. We have been on a journey to introduce a new, more rewarding loyalty program and, together with Aeroplan, we remain committed as ever to this plan.
Your miles and status are safe.
This acquisition will allow for all of your Aeroplan Miles to be honoured on a one-to-one basis in Air Canada's new loyalty program when it launches next year, in 2020. You can continue to earn and redeem Aeroplan Miles with full confidence, plus earn and enjoy Aeroplan and Air Canada Altitude status recognition without interruption.
A brand new program, inspired by you.
Over the past several months, Air Canada has listened to over 30,000 customers, employees and loyalty partners to understand what it would take to build the best travel rewards program in Canada. More details about our new program are coming later this year, but here's a short preview of the future:
- The best reward value for Air Canada flights, plus unparalleled access to travel on over 40 partner airlines, including the global Star Alliance network
- Canada's best travel rewards credit cards, offered by TD Bank, CIBC and American Express
- More ways to earn and redeem your points for travel, upgrades, experiences, and everyday indulgences
- An improved experience when traveling with friends and family
- Everything Air Canada has to offer in one place, with a new digital experience at your fingertips
MONTREAL, Feb. 28, 2019 /CNW Telbec/ - Air Canada and American Express today announced that they have concluded agreements for a renewed and expanded partnership that will enable the financial services company to participate in Air Canada's new loyalty program launching in 2020. The 10-year agreements cover the creation of new co-branded payment cards, participation in the American Express Membership Rewards program, and expanded commercial cooperation between the two companies.
"We're excited to renew Air Canada's long-standing relationship with American Express and reaffirm our position as its exclusive Canadian co-brand airline partner," said Calin Rovinescu, President and CEO, Air Canada. "Amex is a global leader in premium payments, and this agreement will support the creation of new, world-class products for Air Canada's industry-leading loyalty program launching in 2020."
The two companies will work more closely in strategic areas such as premium customer experience, digital integration, member analytics, and incremental partnership opportunities. The terms of the deal provide Air Canada with significant revenue benefits and cost improvements, including a one-time payment upon signing, and the partnership will allow American Express to continue to expand its leadership in the premium card landscape.
"We are delighted to be expanding the nature of our partnership with Air Canada and look forward to issuing a suite of new consumer and business Cards in 2020 that harness the expertise of both our brands to deliver uncompromised value," said Rob McClean, President & CEO of Amex Bank of Canada, and President and General Manager, Amex Canada Inc.
Membership Rewards customers in Canada and the US will be able to transfer their points into Air Canada's new loyalty program once it has rolled out. American Express Aeroplan cardmembers will become members of Air Canada's new loyalty program in 2020, and all their miles will be transitioned at a 1:1 rate. In the interim, members may continue to earn and redeem Aeroplan Miles, and enjoy cardmember benefits as usual.
2020年5月10日更新:多谢“Michael”提供信息。由于疫情,加航认为目前不是一个重启加航新的常旅客计划的好时机。因此加航准备把重启计划延后到2020年底。所有Aeroplan届时将会按1:1的比率换成新的里程。对于北美内的航班,新计划很可能实行动态兑换(dynamic redemption,即贬值的同义词),而国际航班和伙伴航司很可能仍会采用固定的兑换表。有可能恢复之前取消的往返里程票停留政策。